jueves, 25 de julio de 2024

Immediate Action Required: Your Netflix Payment is Overdue

sábado, 20 de julio de 2024

Urgent: Your Payment is Due

Payment Reminder

We hope you're enjoying your subscription. This is a reminder that your payment is due for the current billing period. To continue enjoying our services, please make your payment at your earliest convenience.

Due Date: 20/07/2024

You can make your payment by clicking here or by logging into your account and navigating to the payment section.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please visit our Help Center or contact our support team.

Thank you for choosing our service!


The Customer Service Team

jueves, 18 de julio de 2024

Action Required: Payment Due to Continue Netflix Service

Payment Due Reminder

We hope you're enjoying your subscription. This is a friendly reminder that your payment is due for the current billing period. To continue enjoying our services, please make your payment at your earliest convenience.

Due Date: 18/07/2024

You can make your payment by clicking here or by logging into your account and navigating to the payment section.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please visit our Help Center or contact our support team.

Thank you for choosing our service!


The Customer Service Team

Action Required: Payment Due to Continue Netflix Service

Payment Due Reminder

We hope you're enjoying your subscription. This is a friendly reminder that your payment is due for the current billing period. To continue enjoying our services, please make your payment at your earliest convenience.

Due Date: 18/07/2024

You can make your payment by clicking here or by logging into your account and navigating to the payment section.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please visit our Help Center or contact our support team.

Thank you for choosing our service!


The Customer Service Team

domingo, 14 de julio de 2024

Reminder: Your Netflix Payment is Due

Payment Due Reminder

We hope you're enjoying your subscription. This is a friendly reminder that your payment is due for the current billing period. To continue enjoying our services, please make your payment at your earliest convenience.

Due Date: 14/07/2024

You can make your payment by clicking here or by logging into your account and navigating to the payment section.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please visit our Help Center or contact our support team.

Thank you for choosing our service!


The Customer Service Team

lunes, 8 de julio de 2024

Boost Your Sales with Expert-Recommended Lead Generation Tools


Experience the freedom of reaching the entire world with our
powerful Apps!

Our solutions are recommended by experts and over 1,000 satisfied
customers, generating 100% up-to-date email and phone lists.

With precise and fresh data, you can achieve your sales goals

- Emails Segmented by Country
- for Direct Contact
- Exclusive Leads with Detailed Information: business name,
phone, website, and email.
- Trust the experts and satisfied customers, and see your results

App 1: Fresh Email Scraper

- Description: Extract emails from websites worldwide or from
specific countries with 98% accuracy.
- Price: Just $299 - 1 Windows device - 1-year license - 200,000
websites to scrap (you choose the country).
- Additional websites: $99 per each 100,000 websites.

App 2: Unbelievable Lead Generator

- Description: Generate fully segmented business lists by name,
phone, and website.
- Segmentation: By activity type, neighborhood, city, country.
- Price: Just $499 - 1 Windows device - 1-year license - 200,000
websites (you choose the country).
- Get your own infinite leads without relying on anyone else to
promote your business, website, or service to anyone anywhere in
the world!

Best regards,



WhatsApp: +55 11 91264 6760

Skype: jebpatini

P.S: Feel free to ask for a sample

domingo, 7 de julio de 2024

Infinite Leads Forever - Experts and Over 1,000 Customers Recommend Our Apps!


Be free and have the world in your hands with our Apps!

It generates 100% up-to-date emails and phones lists are
recommended by both experts and over 1,000 satisfied customers.

With precise fresh data, you can achieve your sales goals

- Emails segmented by country
- Phones for direct contact
- Exclusive leads with detailed information like business name,
phone, website and email.

Trust the experts and customers, and see your results improve!

App 1: Fresh email scraper from websites - You can get worldwide
or segmented lists from any contry, with 98% of precision.
Price: just U$ 299 - one Windows OS device - 1 year licence -
200.000 websites (you choose the country).
Additional websites: U$ 99 each 100.000 websites (you choose the

App 2: Unbelievable lead generator - It brings to you completely
segmented businesses name, phone, website.
You can segment by type of activity/business, neighborhood, city,
country, and this brings you a complete and 100% updated list.
Price: just U$ 499 - one Windows OS device - 1 year licence -
200.000 websites (you choose the country).

Get your own infinite leads without depending on anyone else, to
promote your business, website, service, to anyone anywhere in
the world!

Best regards,

+55 11 91264 6760

Or Skype:

lunes, 1 de julio de 2024

Su renovación de la suscripción a 365Drive no fue exitosa.

Tu cuenta de 365Drive está en espera

Intentamos renovar tu suscripción a 365Drive el 2024-07-01, pero el cobro de $34.99 falló.

Para evitar la cancelación del servicio, por favor actualiza tu información de pago o selecciona un método de pago diferente para tu suscripción.

Renueva tu suscripción

Si has recibido este correo por error, cancela la suscripción en: https://www.365drive.net/unsubscribe/460523668286dd1fd26 Por favor, ten en cuenta que esto también te desuscribirá de otros avisos de servicio de 365Drive, incluidos los recordatorios de vencimiento de cualquier otro certificado.

© 2024 365Drive.net, helpdesk@365drive.net

martes, 25 de junio de 2024

Reduzca su ISR en un 53% de forma rápida y sencilla

Vales de despensa
Una solución útil para los empleados
y beneficiosa para la empresa
Pida su cotización
Vales de despensa
Vales de despensa
Ofrecer poder adquisitivo
sin aumentar los salarios
Motivar y retener a los
empleados a largo plazo
Reduzca su ISR en un 53%
de forma rápida y sencilla
Reciba diferentes propuestas
Pida su cotización

MarketExec, South Terrace, Wilton YO18 7LD


domingo, 23 de junio de 2024

Reduzca sus costos de combustible en 30 segundos

  Controle su  presupuesto de combustible 
con una sola tarjeta
  Obtenga su tarjeta de combustible  
  Su aliado financiero en la carretera, la tarjeta de combustible :  
    Una visión clara:
controle con precisión sus gastos de combustible
    Su aliado financiero en la carretera:
la tarjeta de combustible
    Gestión de presupuesto:
una potente herramienta para planificar
sus gastos mensuales.
  Pida su cotizacion  

MarketExec, South Terrace, Wilton YO18 7LD

Increase Your Sales with the BEST Emails of WORLD

Are you looking to skyrocket your sales? Look no further!

Introducing our exclusive and groundbreaking lead generation
system that gathers emails and phone numbers from businesses

Stay ahead of the competition with our unparalleled access to
exclusive leads that no one else can offer.

We cater to clients worldwide, helping businesses around the
globe achieve unparalleled success.

Take your sales to new heights today!

Contact us on WhatsApp:
+55 11 91264 6760

Or Skype:

Why Invest in Email and Phone Leads?

Unlock the power of direct communication with potential customers
through email and phone leads!

Here's why it's the smartest investment you can make:

- Fast, secure, and effective: Connect directly with your target
audience in the most efficient way possible.

- Unbeatable cost-effectiveness: Enjoy a higher return on
investment compared to any other advertising medium.

- Global reach or targeted campaigns: Reach a worldwide audience
or customize your campaigns by specific regions.

- Always up-to-date leads: Our leads are collected daily,
ensuring you have access to the most current and relevant contact

Don't miss out on this game-changing opportunity to supercharge
your sales! Invest in email and phone leads today!

Why Not Buy Email and Phone Leads from Others?

Here's why purchasing leads from other sources is a risky choice:

- Exclusive and fresh leads: Our lead generation process is
unique and unparalleled. We capture new data every day, ensuring
100% updated leads that have not been sold by anyone else.

- Illegal data acquisition: Leads obtained from other sources
often come from illegal activities such as data breaches and

- Outdated information: Lists from other sources are typically
outdated as commercial emails change frequently due to job

Don't compromise the integrity and effectiveness of your
marketing efforts. Choose our exclusive and up-to-date leads for
maximum success.

We Will Help Grow Your Business!

- If your business is global, we have leads from all over the
world to help you reach the widest possible audience.
- If your business is regional, we can segment lists by
countries, allowing you to target your offers to the people who
truly matter.


For unsegmented lists:
- 100,000 leads (emails or phone numbers) - $150
- 200,000 leads (emails or phone numbers) - $280
- 500,000 leads (emails or phone numbers) - $500
- >500,000 leads (emails or phone numbers) - ask us

For lists segmented by country:
- 10,000 leads (emails or phone numbers) - $150
- 20,000 leads (emails or phone numbers) - $280
- 50,000 leads (emails or phone numbers) - $500
- >50,000 leads (emails or phone numbers) - ask us

Leads Club

- 30 days receiving from 70-110k new leads every day - $500 not
Don't miss out on this opportunity!

You can have unlimited and exclusive EMAILS/PHONE NUMBERS

Best regards,

Unleashing the power of email marketing - since 2007

+55 11 91264 6760

Or Skype: